Can you believe it?! It's almost graduation time for some people out there. I can't believe that my brother will be graduations high school in just a few months. I remember him being so little running around the house being mean to me. I will say he didn't get far being mean to me I was mean right back. That is my right as a big sister isn't it? LOL But he is all grown up now and graduation high school and off into the real world he goes. It's so sad but it's also a happy time. I have been so happy to see him grow. I love him and am very proud of him. I look forward to watching him grow and start his life. :)
Now speaking of graduation....I'm making his graduation announcements. I'm very happy with the way they turned out! I hope to be able to make more of these as others children graduate. I'm sure I will be making announcements again in about a year as i will have sister graduating high school next....WOW that's just crazy, I'm starting to feel old. Haha
Also, please be watching for my brother's Senior pictures to be posted. I do have the honor of doing these for him as well. :)

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