A few weeks ago my little sister well not so little anymore she will be 17 on the 26th. It's so hard to believe how fast she is growing up. Anyways....She went to a Winter Formal with her boyfriend at Staley High School, and I always want to take pictures of her all dressed! I wanted to share some pictures I took since I'm working more on photography! She looks so pretty that night. I just love when she gets all dressed up for dances. That is one thing I do miss from High School is getting a new dress, hair done and all the other stuff to get ready for a dance. I just loved it!
Last month I started a new scrapbook of our vacation to Las Vegas. It's way over due we went to Vegas back in 2007. Yes this is how far I'm behind in making our scrapbook for it. One of my goals this year is to get more scrapbooks done for our vacations we have taken. So I'm hoping I have more done before the end of the year. Here are some pictures of the pages I have already done. I will be posting my progress on here as I get more pages done. Hope you enjoy!
Our dog Kira just recently had a birthday on January 15th she turned 6! When we were out at Wal-Mart we picked her up some birthday gifts and one of them was doggie ice cream. Yes I said it "Doggie Ice Cream" It's called Frosty Paws. She has had this once before and let me tell you she just loved it! She is so busy trying to eat it she doesn't care what is going on around her. Just wanted to share some pictures I took of her enjoying her birthday treat! She also got a bone which she also loves, but she sometimes get too excited with it and throws. You gotta watch out for her when she gets excited or she might hit you with her bone. LOL.
I just had to share this amazing ice cycles there were hanging from out gutters at our townhome. They were HUGE but very pretty I had to take a picture of them. My husband I had to go take them down because there were bending our gutters they were so heavy. It was crazy! The biggest one he took down he said had to be at least 3 feet tall. It was pretty huge if I do say.
I want to thank everyone who has stopped by to check out my website. This is very new to me having my own website for everyone to see. It makes me a little nervous but I have so much support I think it will all be wonderful! I'm also new to blogging but I will see how I like it and keeping you updated on new projects I have going on.
I'm really wanting to get more into photography as well but one thing at a time. I love taking pictures and would like to try and purse this more on the side. But practice is the key!
I hope everyone enjoys what they see and please let me know if there is anything I can make to fit your needs.